Caching Junior
What is cache invalidation?
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The process of expanding cache storage capacity.
The method of backing up cache data to a secure location.
The process of removing outdated data from the cache.
The action of encrypting cache data for security.
What is a cache miss?
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A scenario where data retrieval is slower than usual.
An event where the database becomes unavailable.
An event where requested data is not found in the cache.
A situation where the server fails to respond.
What is a cache key and how is it used?
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A unique identifier used to store and retrieve cached data.
A tool for managing database connections.
A password used for user authentication.
A special key used to unlock secure databases.
What is caching?
Select the correct answer
A process of compressing data to save storage space.
A technique to balance load among servers.
A method of securing data using encryption.
A process of storing frequently accessed data in a temporary storage.