Caching Mid
What are some common cache writing strategies?
Select the correct answer
Write-through, write-back, and write-around.
Load balancing, failover, and redundancy.
Compression, encryption, and replication.
Sharding, partitioning, and clustering.
Name some common scenarios when caching should be used.
Select the correct answer
Caching should be used for frequently accessed data to reduce load times.
Caching is useful for encrypting sensitive information.
Caching is ideal for storing user passwords.
Caching helps in database schema design.
Describe the impact of cache size on performance.
Select the correct answer
Larger cache sizes generally improve performance by reducing cache misses.
Smaller cache sizes always increase data retrieval speed.
Cache size has no impact on system performance.
Increasing cache size reduces the need for server backups.
Name some cache invalidation strategies.
Select the correct answer
Compression, encryption, and decryption.
Time-to-live, write-through, and cache-aside.
Load balancing, failover, and clustering.
Sharding, replication, and partitioning.