CDN Junior
Name some applications of a CDN.
Select the correct answer
Applications of a CDN include cloud storage and data analytics.
Applications of a CDN include email hosting and domain registration.
Applications of a CDN include database management and server maintenance.
Applications of a CDN include video streaming, web acceleration, and software distribution.
Briefly explain how a CDN works.
Select the correct answer
A CDN works by distributing content across multiple servers to reduce load and improve speed.
A CDN works by storing data in a central database for easy access.
A CDN works by using AI to predict user behavior and preloading content.
A CDN works by generating real-time content for dynamic websites.
What is a CDN?
Select the correct answer
A CDN is a type of database used for storing large amounts of data.
A CDN is a network of servers that deliver content to users based on their geographic location.
A CDN is a software application used to create websites.
A CDN is a tool for managing email servers.