Distributed Computing Expert
Explain the concept of vector clocks in distributed systems and how they help in determining causality among events.
Select the correct answer
Vector clocks in distributed systems help determine the order of events and causality among them.
Vector clocks are used for data backup in distributed systems.
Vector clocks ensure real-time data processing.
Vector clocks are used to encrypt data in distributed systems.
Explain the concept of distributed pub-sub (publish-subscribe) messaging systems and their use in event-driven architectures.
Select the correct answer
Distributed pub-sub systems are used for real-time data encryption.
Distributed pub-sub systems allow for asynchronous communication between publishers and subscribers in event-driven architectures.
Distributed pub-sub systems store data on a single server.
Distributed pub-sub systems ensure data is backed up in real-time.
What is the role of ZooKeeper in distributed systems?
Select the correct answer
ZooKeeper is only used for storing distributed databases.
ZooKeeper is a data encryption tool for distributed systems.
ZooKeeper is a load balancing tool for distributed systems.
ZooKeeper is used for coordinating distributed applications through services like configuration management and synchronization.
What is the purpose of a distributed task queue in distributed systems?
Select the correct answer
A distributed task queue ensures data is backed up during processing.
A distributed task queue manages and distributes tasks among multiple servers for efficient processing.
A distributed task queue encrypts data before processing.
A distributed task queue is used only for data storage.
What is the purpose of a distributed lock manager (DLM) in distributed systems?
Select the correct answer
A distributed lock manager (DLM) ensures that all data is processed in real-time.
A distributed lock manager (DLM) ensures that distributed systems can safely manage shared resources.
A distributed lock manager (DLM) is used to encrypt data across nodes.
A distributed lock manager (DLM) stores backup data for recovery.
Explain the concept of distributed scheduling.
Select the correct answer
Distributed scheduling involves encrypting data before execution.
Distributed scheduling ensures data is backed up before processing.
Distributed scheduling coordinates the execution of tasks across multiple computing nodes.
Distributed scheduling is only used in single-node systems.
Explain the concept of data locality in distributed computing.
Select the correct answer
Data locality is about backing up data in a local storage device.
Data locality refers to encrypting data for security.
Data locality means storing all data on a single server.
Data locality in distributed computing refers to processing data close to where it is stored to reduce latency.
What are the challenges of handling network latency in distributed systems, and what techniques can be used to mitigate latency-related issues?
Select the correct answer
Network latency can be ignored in distributed systems.
Network latency does not affect distributed systems.
Handling network latency is solely about increasing the bandwidth.
Handling network latency in distributed systems involves techniques like caching and data replication.
What are the challenges associated with managing distributed system logs, and how can these challenges be addressed?
Select the correct answer
Managing distributed system logs only involves backing up data.
Managing distributed system logs is challenging due to their volume, variety, and the need for real-time analysis.
Managing distributed system logs is simple due to their uniform structure.
Distributed system logs do not require real-time analysis.
Explain the concept of distributed tracing and its importance in monitoring and debugging microservices architectures.
Select the correct answer
Distributed tracing speeds up processing in microservices architectures.
Distributed tracing is a method for data backup in microservices.
Distributed tracing is used to encrypt data across microservices.
Distributed tracing tracks requests as they flow through various services in a microservices architecture.
Explain the concept of the Two-Phase Commit (2PC) protocol and its use in distributed transaction management.
Select the correct answer
The Two-Phase Commit (2PC) protocol speeds up data processing in a single-node system.
The Two-Phase Commit (2PC) protocol is used to encrypt data in a distributed system.
The Two-Phase Commit (2PC) protocol is a method for data backup.
The Two-Phase Commit (2PC) protocol ensures all nodes in a distributed system either commit or abort a transaction.
What is the role of a load balancer in a distributed system, and how does it work?
Select the correct answer
A load balancer stores backup data for recovery purposes.
A load balancer is used to encrypt data before transmission.
A load balancer distributes network or application traffic across multiple servers to ensure no single server becomes overwhelmed.
A load balancer only works in single-node systems.
Explain the concept of leader election in distributed systems and its role in fault tolerance.
Select the correct answer
Leader election ensures all nodes have the same processing speed.
Leader election is a process of encrypting data in distributed systems.
Leader election in distributed systems determines which node will act as the coordinator for a task.
Leader election is about backing up data in a distributed system.
Explain the concept of distributed consensus and the role of algorithms like Paxos and Raft.
Select the correct answer
Distributed consensus is a method for data replication.
Distributed consensus ensures data encryption across all nodes.
Distributed consensus is about achieving the highest processing speed in a distributed system.
Distributed consensus is achieved when all nodes in a distributed system agree on a common state.
What is a distributed lock, and why is it important in distributed systems?
Select the correct answer
A distributed lock is used to encrypt data across multiple nodes.
A distributed lock is a backup mechanism for data recovery.
A distributed lock speeds up data processing by allowing multiple processes to access the same resource.
A distributed lock ensures that only one process can access a resource at a time, preventing conflicts.
Explain the concept of eventual consistency in distributed databases.
Select the correct answer
Eventual consistency guarantees real-time data replication.
Eventual consistency means that updates are immediately visible to all nodes.
Eventual consistency ensures data is never lost in a distributed system.
Eventual consistency means that updates to a distributed database will eventually be reflected across all nodes.
Explain the concept of distributed caching and its benefits in distributed systems.
Select the correct answer
Distributed caching stores frequently accessed data across multiple nodes to improve performance.
Distributed caching is a method for data encryption.
Distributed caching is used to synchronize data between different databases.
Distributed caching is a security measure to prevent data breaches.
What is MapReduce, and how does it work in the context of distributed computing?
Select the correct answer
MapReduce is a type of database management system.
MapReduce is a programming model for processing large data sets with a distributed algorithm on a cluster.
MapReduce is a file compression algorithm used in distributed systems.
MapReduce is a networking protocol for distributed systems.
How does a distributed file system differ from a traditional file system?
Select the correct answer
A distributed file system stores files only temporarily.
A distributed file system spans multiple servers, whereas a traditional file system operates on a single machine.
A distributed file system is limited to single-user access.
A distributed file system does not provide file sharing capabilities.
What is the role of a distributed file system in distributed computing?
Select the correct answer
A distributed file system is used solely for creating backups.
A distributed file system stores data only in a local storage device.
A distributed file system is a system that only works on a single server.
A distributed file system manages files across multiple servers, providing a unified view of data.
Explain the concept of sharding in distributed databases.
Select the correct answer
Sharding in distributed databases involves dividing the database into smaller, more manageable pieces called shards.
Sharding in distributed databases involves combining multiple databases into one large database.
Sharding in distributed databases is about encrypting data for security.
Sharding in distributed databases is a technique for backup and recovery.
What are some of the key challenges with distributed databases?
Select the correct answer
Key challenges with distributed databases include the cost of hardware and software.
Key challenges with distributed databases include limited storage capacity.
Key challenges with distributed databases include user interface design and usability.
Key challenges with distributed databases include consistency, latency, and fault tolerance.
What is the purpose of a distributed database?
Select the correct answer
The purpose of a distributed database is to manage data across multiple locations for improved performance and reliability.
The purpose of a distributed database is to store all data on a single server for easy access.
The purpose of a distributed database is to reduce the need for data redundancy.
The purpose of a distributed database is to eliminate the need for data replication.
What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous communication in distributed systems?
Select the correct answer
Synchronous communication is a feature of all distributed systems.
Synchronous communication is always faster than asynchronous communication.
Synchronous communication uses real-time processing, while asynchronous communication uses batch processing.
Synchronous communication in distributed systems requires all parties to wait for each other, while asynchronous communication allows them to proceed independently.
Explain the CAP theorem and its implications for distributed systems.
Select the correct answer
The CAP theorem is about optimizing network bandwidth in distributed systems.
The CAP theorem states that a distributed system cannot simultaneously guarantee Consistency, Availability, and Partition tolerance.
The CAP theorem relates to achieving high performance in a single-node database.
The CAP theorem states that a distributed system can achieve Consistency, Availability, and Partition tolerance at all times.
What is distributed computing, and why is it important?
Select the correct answer
Distributed computing involves multiple computers working together to achieve a common goal.
Distributed computing refers to the use of a single computer for multiple tasks.
Distributed computing means using cloud services for all computing needs.
Distributed computing is about enhancing the performance of a single processor.