Distributed Computing Senior
Explain the concept of vector clocks in distributed systems and how they help in determining causality among events.
Select the correct answer
Vector clocks in distributed systems help determine the order of events and causality among them.
Vector clocks ensure real-time data processing.
Vector clocks are used for data backup in distributed systems.
Vector clocks are used to encrypt data in distributed systems.
Explain the concept of distributed pub-sub (publish-subscribe) messaging systems and their use in event-driven architectures.
Select the correct answer
Distributed pub-sub systems store data on a single server.
Distributed pub-sub systems ensure data is backed up in real-time.
Distributed pub-sub systems are used for real-time data encryption.
Distributed pub-sub systems allow for asynchronous communication between publishers and subscribers in event-driven architectures.
What is the role of ZooKeeper in distributed systems?
Select the correct answer
ZooKeeper is a load balancing tool for distributed systems.
ZooKeeper is only used for storing distributed databases.
ZooKeeper is a data encryption tool for distributed systems.
ZooKeeper is used for coordinating distributed applications through services like configuration management and synchronization.
What is the purpose of a distributed task queue in distributed systems?
Select the correct answer
A distributed task queue is used only for data storage.
A distributed task queue encrypts data before processing.
A distributed task queue manages and distributes tasks among multiple servers for efficient processing.
A distributed task queue ensures data is backed up during processing.
What is the purpose of a distributed lock manager (DLM) in distributed systems?
Select the correct answer
A distributed lock manager (DLM) ensures that all data is processed in real-time.
A distributed lock manager (DLM) ensures that distributed systems can safely manage shared resources.
A distributed lock manager (DLM) is used to encrypt data across nodes.
A distributed lock manager (DLM) stores backup data for recovery.
Explain the concept of distributed scheduling.
Select the correct answer
Distributed scheduling ensures data is backed up before processing.
Distributed scheduling involves encrypting data before execution.
Distributed scheduling coordinates the execution of tasks across multiple computing nodes.
Distributed scheduling is only used in single-node systems.