JavaScript Junior
What are Imports and Exports in JavaScript?
Select the correct answer
Imports and Exports are used for defining CSS classes.
Imports and Exports are used to style HTML elements.
Imports and Exports allow modules to be used across different files.
Imports and Exports manage database connections.
What is the this keyword in JavaScript?
Select the correct answer
The this keyword refers to the object it belongs to.
The this keyword is not used in JavaScript.
The this keyword refers to the function's prototype.
The this keyword refers to the global object always.
What are the differences between var, let, and const?
Select the correct answer
var is block-scoped, let and const are function-scoped.
var is function-scoped, let and const are block-scoped.
var and const are block-scoped, let is function-scoped.
var and let are block-scoped, const is function-scoped.
What is the difference between the Document and Window in Javascript?
Select the correct answer
The Document object is for backend logic, while the Window object is for frontend logic.
The Document object is for APIs, while the Window object is for HTML tags.
The Document object represents the HTML document, while the Window object represents the browser window.
The Document object is used for JavaScript code, while the Window object is used for CSS.
Explain the window object.
Select the correct answer
The window object is a backend server component.
The window object represents the browser's window.
The window object represents the document's body.
The window object is used to style elements in CSS.
What is the DOM?
Select the correct answer
The DOM is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents.
The DOM is a styling language for web pages.
The DOM is a JavaScript library.
The DOM is a database management system.
What are the differences between JavaScript and TypeScript?
Select the correct answer
TypeScript is a completely different language from JavaScript.
JavaScript and TypeScript are both compiled languages.
JavaScript is a superset of TypeScript that adds dynamic types.
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static types.
What is the difference between JavaScript and Java?
Select the correct answer
JavaScript is compiled, while Java is interpreted.
JavaScript and Java are the same in terms of syntax.
JavaScript is used for backend, while Java is used for frontend.
JavaScript is a scripting language, while Java is a programming language.
Is JavaScript a compiled or interpreted language?
Select the correct answer
JavaScript is an interpreted language.
JavaScript is neither compiled nor interpreted.
JavaScript is both compiled and interpreted.
JavaScript is a compiled language.
Is JavaScript a statically typed or a dynamically typed language?
Select the correct answer
JavaScript is a dynamically typed language.
JavaScript is a statically typed language.
JavaScript is a strongly typed language.
JavaScript is a weakly typed language.